We make Icelandic easi(er)
We're teachers at heart. Making it easi(er) for you to learn Icelandic is our passion, but it just so happens to be our job, too.
What we're all about
Learning should be fun
Practice makes perfect
One size does not fit all
Complex can be made simple
- Add a background color to each section div on this page. This will ensure that the progress bar does not appear in other sections of the page.
- Make sure this page uses a page-wrapper div to wrap all components on the page. This, along with step 3, makes it possible to edit the content inside of the timeline.
- Add the timeline-on-page class to the page-wrapper and the main-wrapper class. This, along with step 2, makes it possible to edit the content inside of the timeline.
Where we come from
March 2020
Siggi was teaching at the The Tin Can Factory* when it had to close its doors during Covid lockdowns, and Siggi got capital B Bored. He started writing articles answering the questions that most frequently came up in his classroom. His friends read over the articles and suggested he share them online.
*Inarguably the best-named language school.

January 2021
In less than a year, the popularity of Icelandic made easi(er) had soared to heights Siggi hadn't even dreamed of. He decided to dedicate himself to IME, leaving his day job to write more articles and teach private classes independently.

June 2022
With a waiting list for private classes as long as his leg, Siggi felt bad about so many people having to wait to learn Icelandic with him. To meet the needs of more people at once, he launched the self-study course.

March 2023
Icelandic made easi(er) outgrows its roots as one guy's personal project, as Lemme Linda joined the team with her innovative and creative speaking course.

May 2023
Following the success of Lemme's speaking course, she began teaching private lessons under the auspices of Icelandic made easi(er). Þóra joins the team just a couple of weeks later.

Meet the team
Þóra teaches private classes and workplace courses.
English on her mother's side and Icelandic on her father's, Þóra is bilingual, but didn't stop there: she also speaks German, French, Japanese, and a smattering of Spanish, Italian, and Greek. Also, Scandinavian - an unholy amalgamation of Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.
Þóra's favourite Icelandic fact is the existence of a secret and mythical fifth noun case. If you ask her about it, she might divulge the secret. Or she might have to kill you to keep it. 50/50.
Valgerður teaches private classes on the weekend, in addition to her day job of teaching Icelandic to teens during the week. She really likes teaching Icelandic, is the point.
Valgerður's favourite teaching moment was teaching a group of catholic nuns through a Hannibal Lecter-style glass wall. To be clear, we've made it clear to Valgerður that she can't eat students, not even a little bit.
Siggi founded Icelandic made easi(er) out of boredom; he continues it because now he'd be bored doing anything else. In addition to running the joint, Siggi teaches private lessons and runs the self-study course.
A mysterious family curse dictates that every member of Siggi's family go into teaching, and he never stood a chance. The man is a compulsive teacher: if he didn't do this for a living, he would just be very annoying at parties.
Gísli teaches private classes and chews bubble gum, and he's all out of bubble gum.
Gísli's a true creative: teaching is his day job, but he's also the country's first and only professional dungeon master (the nerd kind), as well as a professional musician. Ask him about his Eurovision experience to get on his good side!
Ragga teaches private classes.
What do you get when you mix a background in theater and 25+ years of Icelandic teaching experience? The best damn teacher in the field, that's what!
Ragga believes in the power of clowning around (literally: clowning was a class in theater school), and is a voice over artist when she isn't teaching (if you're ever put on hold on the phone in Iceland, that's probably her breaking it to you).
Learn Icelandic with us
Private lessons
The great thing about a reliable instructor is that you know that so long as you put in the work, you get the results. No luck, no privilege, just work for reward. There's a comfort in that reliability.
Self-study course
The perfect option for the independent student on a budget. Learn how to learn and stay accountable with email support and frequent question-and-answer sessions.